A Milestone for Every Year

A Milestone for Every Year:

Top 25 Moments from our 25th Year

Over the past quarter-century, the Waukesha County Community Foundation (WCCF) has watched our community grow, thrive, and face new challenges, and the past year was no different. From remarkable partnerships to unforgettable moments of generosity, our 25th anniversary year was filled with highlights that will leave a lasting legacy.

We’ve seen firsthand the power of collaboration and the impact of our community’s collective efforts. As we pause to reflect, we’re excited to share a list of the top 25 moments that defined our anniversary year—moments that made us proud, inspired us, and fueled our commitment to the future of Waukesha County. Join us as we take a look at the moments that shaped our year and laid the groundwork for the next 25 years.

Building Solutions Together

In January 2024, Melissa Baxter, WCCF President and CEO, served as a panelist for a community conversation about housing justice hosted by the Waukesha Public Library. Together panelists addressed barriers to safe and affordable housing and brainstormed possible solutions to the issue at hand.

Investing in the Future

This year we created a new scholarship – one initiated by the Foundation itself. The WCCF Bryce and Anne Styza Community Service Scholarship helped to kick off our 25th anniversary year and was named in honor of Bryce and Anne Styza for their dedication to the Waukesha County community. 

First Styza Scholarship Awarded

The excitement continued and after raising more than $26,000, we welcomed scholarship applications from graduating seniors residing in Waukesha County. The inaugural WCCF Bryce and Anne Styza Community Service Scholarship was awarded to Katie Heun of Brookfield Central High School at the Foundation’s Celebration of Giving event in June.

Continuing the UW-Waukesha Legacy

In early 2024, UW-Milwaukee announced the decision to close its Waukesha campus location. To ensure the legacy of UW-Waukesha and honor donor intent, the UW-Milwaukee at Waukesha Foundation will transition its assets to the WCCF for stewardship in perpetuity as well as the administration of its scholarship portfolio.

Commemorating the Past

Anniversaries are for more than just celebrating—they’re also for reflecting.

To mark this special milestone, we enlisted the help of Malcolm McDowell Woods, a local researcher and author, to capture our organization’s quarter century of progress. The resulting commemorative history booklet beautifully preserves the essence of our journey, showcasing memories and milestones for future generations.

Partnering for Possibilities

The WCCF awards thousands of dollars in scholarships annually, in part by working with local scholarship and education foundations to maximize impact. We added Elmbrook Education Foundation and the Education Foundation of New Berlin to our Scholarship Lifecycle Manager platform this year, increasing efficiency in the application process.

Building a Mosaic of Resilience

As a part of the Parade Memorial in Grede Park, local artist Carmen De La Paz recruited community members to customize 6” x 6” clay tiles to be incorporated into the memorial. Our staff, board, and committee members came together to create 30 tiles for the Waukesha Strong Tile Project.

Support for the Parade Memorial

Community support for the Waukesha Christmas Parade Memorial continued as an anonymous donor pledged to match gifts to the Parade Memorial up to $15,000. Additionally, the approval of a state grant provided crucial funding for the Parade Memorial project, underscoring the importance of honoring our community’s resilience.

Feeding Curiosity at the Waukesha County Historical Museum

The Waukesha County Historical Society & Museum welcomed WCCF President and CEO, Melissa Baxter, as a featured presenter in their well-loved Lunch and Learn series. The presentation hosted 16 attendees and explored the rich history of philanthropy in Waukesha.

A Celebration to Remember

For this year only, we expanded our annual Celebration of Giving cocktail hour to a full dinner and gala. This special Celebration of Giving hosted more than 250 guests bringing together founders, past leaders, and friends of the Foundation.

A Toast to Community

The Giving Spirit Spritz, our specially curated anniversary beverage, debuted at the Celebration of Giving Gala in June. The honorary mocktail was made with locally sourced ingredients and symbolized the spirit of community and celebration.

Honoring Sue Bellehumeur

Since 2006, the WCCF has honored an individual who exhibits significant philanthropic contributions with the Celebration of Giving Award. This year, the Board of Directors selected Sue Bellehumeur for the positive impact her leadership and financial expertise have had on her community.

Honoree video showcased at Celebration of Giving

Free Admission Day

In collaboration with the Waukesha County Historical Society & Museum, we hosted a Free Admission Day, giving visitors a chance to explore the rich history of our community at no cost.

Free Park Entry

By partnering with the Waukesha County Parks System, we were able to invite families and individuals to enjoy the great outdoors. On our free park admission day, more than 6,000 vehicles visited the parks.

Lighting the Way

For our anniversary, the iconic Hoan Bridge illuminated the Milwaukee skyline in our trio of colors. This brilliant display, sponsored by Peoples State Bank, symbolized our mission to be a beacon of hope and opportunity for our community.

Surge in Community Grant Applications

This year, 95 letters of intent (LOIs) were submitted to our annual Community Grants Cycle! This record high number of submissions showcases the growing needs of our community and increasing recognition of our work at the Foundation.

Words that Inspire: Giving Forward’s Featured Speakers

Each year we come together at the WCCF’s Giving Forward Breakfast to celebrate the power of collaboration and the work of nonprofits in our community.

This year our event featured three nonprofit speakers: Mary Reich from Lake Area Free Clinic, Regge Krueger from St. Vincent De Paul of Waukesha County, and Shari Campbell from La Casa de Esperanza. These nonprofit leaders shared insights into their organizations’ missions and achievements, emphasizing the strength of working together to create lasting change in our community.

Leading the Conversation

WCCF President and CEO, Melissa Baxter, facilitated a discussion on the culture of corporate philanthropy in a Business Growth Workshop at the Waukesha County Business Alliance. The panel welcomed more than 30 alliance members and highlighted strategies for fostering a culture of giving and strengthening connections between businesses and nonprofits.

Strengthening with Organization Endowments

We are excited to celebrate several new organizational endowments, ensuring lasting support for vital programs across our community. These collaborations are building a foundation for even greater impact in Waukesha County’s future. Welcome to endowment funds for Education Foundation of New Berlin (logo above), Elmbrook Education Foundation (logo above), Falls Area Community Service, Kettle Moraine Education Foundation, Sunset Playhouse, and Wisconsin Hero Outdoors.

Passing the Torch of Leadership

We were pleased to onboard two new Board members this year expanding the expertise of our board leadership in the areas of human resources and municipal law. Welcome Amy Rislov of Network Health and Eric Larson of Municipal Law & Litigation Group.

We also express immense gratitude to this year’s outgoing Board members Pat Boelter, Alicia Kiser, and Coreen Dicus-Johnson.

E. Larson
A. Rislov
P. Boelter
A. Kiser
C. Dicus-Johnson

Powered by Generosity

Our event sponsors play a crucial role in driving our mission forward each year. These philanthropic minded corporations and individuals enable us to enhance our events and deepen our connection with the community. Our sponsors this year include:

* indicates a new sponsorship in 2024

A Space for Healing and Hope

The Parade Memorial at Grede Park, created in the wake of the 2021 Waukesha Christmas Parade tragedy, was completed and dedicated this November. This public space now stands as a tribute to the lives lost and all those impacted, offering those who visit a chance to pause, reflect, and find solace.

Spreading the Word

Thanks to the support of a generous sponsor, our organization published a two-page spread in the BizTimes’ annual Giving Guide. The publication serves as a valuable resource for connecting readers to the nonprofit community and enhances our organization’s visibility.

View our Giving Guide profile here.

In the News

President and CEO, Melissa Baxter, was highlighted in the Waukesha Freeman’s Newsmaker Q&A series. The column interviews leaders across public and private organizations about their passion and leadership style.

Read the full article in The Freeman.

Marching in Merriment

The final highlight of our year was participating in the Waukesha Christmas Parade, where our team proudly joined the community to celebrate the season. It was a festive opportunity to spread holiday cheer, connect with those we serve, and expand our visibility.

Celebrating our 25th anniversary gave us the opportunity to honor our past while looking ahead to the future. Each of these moments reflects the heart of what we do—bringing people together to strengthen our community.
As we turn the page to the next chapter, we’re inspired by the possibilities that lie ahead. Together, we’ll continue building a stronger, brighter future for our community. Here’s to the next 25 years!

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